Use the form below to make credit card payments into your account for services received. We don't like to charge credit card fees to our customers, so we encourage you to try the following alternatives:
- Zelle - From your bank to our bank, completely free and online. All banks support it. Your banking app and the bank website has it. Details: Make payments via Zelle to: or 9042646666 (It will show up as registered to 2032 Carnes LLC).
- Check - paper or electronic (if using online bill pay). Details: Make checks payable to My Maids and either hand to our staff, or mail to 2032 Carnes St, Orange Park, FL 32073
- Cash - if you prefer cash, then just hand it to our staff.
- Call/Text - if you prefer something else, then just call or text us at 904-264-6666, and we will be happy to assist you.
But if you really prefer to pay by credit card, then please note that the amount charged to your card will be amount credited + the fees charged by the credit card processor. We hope you understand.